sTARTUp Day, one of Estonia’s leading and prominent startup and tech festivals, brings together entrepreneurs, investors, and innovators for three talks, hands-on workshops, and networking […]
Deep tech startups operate at the forefront of scientific and technological breakthroughs, requiring substantial research and development (Cambridge Dictionary 2025; Kerner 2025). Intellectual property (IP) […]
As cities grow and environmental challenges intensify, finding smarter, more sustainable ways to manage resources has never been more important (Ellen MacArthur Foundation 2025). A […]
Developing and increasing entrepreneurship education and enhancing entrepreneurial competencies (European Commission, 2018) is vital in rural communities which aim for sustainable growth and jobs (United […]
The intensive week Norm-Consciousness in Health and Social Care provided an invaluable opportunity to gain insight into norm-consciousness for four social and health care students […]
The Food Pilot Plant product development environment at LAB University of Applied Sciences has been enhanced with a Texture Analyser and a VolScan (Stable Micro […]
In 2020, vertical farming startups in Europe attracted a record half a billion pounds of venture capital investment. Yet, just a few years later, many […]
Entrepreneurship is a large pillar of the LAB University of Applied Sciences, the Skinnarila campus is the heart of a very strong entrepreneurship ecosystem, welcoming […]
In today’s scenario, social media has become a crucial part of everyone’s life including children. These platforms provide a range of opportunities for knowledge, awareness, […]