The new European Green Deal, published at the end of 2019 by the European Commission, frames up ambitious targets for Europe and its citizens to […]
Sharing economy is an integral part of the circular economy, in which people are not product owners but rather users or members of a community […]
The demand for sustainable and circular solutions, which are local and bio-based is increasingly growing. The circular bioeconomy is glocal, both global and local. The […]
Sharing economy can give rise to residents’ activity that increases the development and well-being of the area and creates new local services and jobs. It […]
CitiCAP project aims to change the attitude and behaviour of citizens of Lahti to smart urban mobility. It aims to encourage the transfer from private […]
Biogas is a topical issue in several EU countries. In 2018, the revised European Union waste policy introduced stricter rules for handling bio-waste (European Commission […]
Industry is the backbone of the European economy responsible for more than 20% of the EU’s total value-added and directly providing 35 million jobs. As […]
Nurses face huge challenges when working in the front line against Covid-19 pandemic. Affected by the pandemic, the risk of nurse burnout increases. From hospital […]
Due to Covid-19 crisis a huge amount of Finnish companies have severe financial challenges. Decisions made by Finnish government such as restrictions of movement and […]