Entrepreneurship is a large pillar of the LAB University of Applied Sciences, the Skinnarila campus is the heart of a very strong entrepreneurship ecosystem, welcoming all students willing to take that step forward with their entrepreneurial vision. LABeko2 ‒ network, develop, internationalise, succeed (LAB 2025), believe that entrepreneurship can be one of the strongest means that international talent can use to mould their own career within South-Karelia. On Thursday 16th January, at Vierula Sauna Lappeenranta, LABeko 2 project collaborated with Rozabela Singh to bring “From Sauna to Success” to international talent, seeking to build their own career the region.
![[Alt text: a room full of people, a person having a presentation.]](https://blogit.lab.fi/labfocus/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2025/01/36_2025_Taking-entrepreneurship-from-sauna-to-success-1024x563.jpg)
From Sauna to Success featured 7 panellists total, sharing their stories, experience and insight into what is necessary to find a career here in Finland. Among the panellists were two entrepreneurs, Marina Vallongo of Gelateria Marina Vallongo and Syed Ashhad Anis of American Kitchen, Finland.
Entrepreneurial insight
The Ecosystem of the Skinnarila campus is one of the finest in Europe when it comes to promoting entrepreneurship, both to Finnish and international students alike. The experience and insight from two successful international entrepreneurs were a great opportunity for students to truly gain knowledge from those who could share their path from sauna to success.
Rozabela Singh (2025) asked a crucial question: how foreign job seekers or entrepreneurs build a network in Finland and how important is networking for the job search success or business success?
Marina Vallongo (2025) offered a plethora of knowledge, as an international talent who has over a decade of experience crafting her career here in Lappeenranta. Vallongo stressed the importance of learning the Finnish language, which helped in networking to be a vital skill she had utilised. She also advised the view that if you are in the restaurant industry as she is, you cannot view others within the industry as competition, but as a community in which you can support one another in various ways. Being able to adapt your idea is key, as she didn’t initially start her journey into entrepreneurship, with her current business idea.
Syed Ashhad Anis has come to Finland more recently with his purpose to create his business, bringing his dream to life. Syed advised the audience of the seminar, that entrepreneurship was truly the easiest route to finding your success in Lappeenranta, if it is in something you truly have a burning passion for. Ashhad believes that the success of American Kitchen, Finland, lies in the fact that he is passionate and has the desire to produce the best dish possible. It is from this perspective, Ashhad truly believes, no matter what your field is, if you have an idea, you are truly passionate for, you will find entrepreneurship to be the easiest way to establish your career (Anis 2025).
Reversing entrepreneurial reluctance
Initially during the event, before Marina Vallongo and Ashhad Syed Anis shared their perspective, students were asked to raise their hands if they were interested in entrepreneurship. Only two had raised their hand, which was quite low in an audience of almost 50 participants at that time.
It would have been interesting to see if that number would have changed after hearing the perspective of both entrepreneurs, which unfortunately the question was not revisited. Being exposed to international entrepreneurs who have laid the path to success out for themselves, may have potentially inspired a larger number of that audience to reconsider their reluctance. The point remains however, that the initial number considering entrepreneurship a goal, was quite low, showing that these events may be crucial to keep entrepreneurship as a very real solution, at the forefront of students’ minds.
Karl Osborne is a part-time project worker in the LABeko2 project (LAB 2025) at LAB University of Applied Sciences.

Anis, S.A. 2025. Panelist in From Sauna to Success. Seminar. 16 Jan 2025. Lappeenranta.
LAB. 2025. LABeko2 – network, develop, internationalise, succeed. Project. LAB University of Applied Sciences. Cited 22 Jan 2025. Available at https://lab.fi/fi/projekti/labeko2-verkostoidu-kehita-kansainvalisty-menesty
Singh, R. 2025. Presentation in From Sauna to Success. Seminar. 16 Jan 2025. Lappeenranta.
Vallongo, M. 2025. Panelist in From Sauna to Success. Seminar. 16 Jan 2025. Lappeenranta.