A few LAB paramedic students had the great opportunity to do a clinical training exchange in the UK. It also gave them the opportunity to see the differences in paramedic education between Finland and the UK. Do we at LAB educate our paramedics in the same way as in the UK, or are there big differences between us?
Paramedic education in Finland is a four-year bachelor’s degree program that is integrated with nursing studies (Opintopolku 2024). Paramedic Science education in the UK is typically a two-year bachelor’s degree program that is focused solely on paramedic studies. This shorter program allows paramedics in the UK to specialize in pre-hospital emergency care but it may not provide them with the same level of general healthcare knowledge as their Finnish counterparts. (NHS 2024) This means that paramedics in Finland have a broader educational background than their UK counterparts.
Edge Hill University (UK) also offers a Paramedic Nurse degree in Master’s level and it lasts four years. This four-year degree is more similar in structure to the Finnish paramedic degree. (NHS 2024)
![[Alt text: medical equipment.]](https://blogit.lab.fi/labfocus/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2024/06/508_2024_A-comparison-of-paramedic-education-in-Finland-and-the-UK-1024x512.jpg)
Both must stay up-to-date
Despite the differences in structure and duration, the overall scope of knowledge and skills required for paramedic practice is similar in Finland and the UK. Both countries aim to produce paramedics who are competent to provide high-quality pre-hospital emergency care to patients with a wide range of medical conditions. In addition, both countries place a strong emphasis on evidence-based practice and continuous professional development (CPD).
This means that paramedics in both Finland and the UK are expected to stay up-to-date on the latest medical evidence and to participate in CPD activities to maintain their skills and knowledge. In the practical studies through pre-hospital and in-hospital placements, UK and Finland both focus on allowing the student learn by performing tasks by themselves and advise or correct when necessary. Paramedics in Finland must be registered as a nurse with the Sosiaali- ja terveysalan lupa- ja valvontavirasto Valvira to practice after graduation. (Valvira 2024) Paramedics in the UK must be registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) to practice. This requires them to pass a national exam and maintain their registration with the council (HCPC 2024).
So do we do the same?
Paramedic education in Finland and the UK shares both similarities and differences. The similarities lie in the overall scope of knowledge and skills required for paramedic practice, as well as the emphasis on evidence-based practice and continuous professional development. The differences lie in the structure and duration of the training programs, with Finnish paramedics having a broader educational background and UK paramedics having a more specialized focus on pre-hospital emergency care.
Ultimately, the goal of both countries is to produce paramedics who are competent to provide high-quality pre-hospital emergency care to patients in need.
Immaculate Egwuatu is a third-year paramedic student at LAB University of Applied Sciences.
Tuomo Nyyssönen is a Senior Paramedic Lecturer and working as a tutor teacher in paramedic program at LAB University of Applied Sciences.
HCPC. Paramedics. 2024 Cited 29 May 2024. Health and Care Professions Council. Available at https://www.hcpc-uk.org/standards/standards-of-proficiency/paramedics/
NHS. Paramedic. 2024 Cited 29 May 2024. National Health Service. Available at https://www.healthcareers.nhs.uk/explore-roles/allied-health-professionals/roles-allied-health-professions/roles-allied-health-professions/paramedic
Opintopolku. Ensihoitaja (AMK). 2024 Cited 29 May 2024. Available at https://opintopolku.fi/konfo/en/toteutus/
Valvira. 2024. Ammattioikeudet. Cited 29 May 2024. Available at https://valvira.fi/sosiaali-ja-terveydenhuolto/ammattioikeudet