In today’s scenario, social media has become a crucial part of everyone’s life including children. These platforms provide a range of opportunities for knowledge, awareness, capabilities and connections along with several obstacles. Research studies indicated that media plays a role of a potent teacher for children and adolescent which has a significant impact on their life. So, it is important to understand the impacts of social media on children to maintain a healthy life while grasping the advantages and disadvantages that come with engaging in social media.

Negative impacts
Overuse of social media is linked to mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts. Research suggests that long screen time and exposure to idealized online images can cause feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, and body image problems. Adolescents are especially at risk due to comparisons with unrealistic online beauty standards, which can worsen negative self-perception. Many young social media users experience Fear of Missing Out (FOMO), a phenomenon that drives an unhealthy urge to remain constantly online. This can lead to problems such as anxiety, disrupted sleep patterns, and difficulties in maintaining healthy relationships. (Berryman et al. 2018)
Cyberbullying, a major concern for today’s youth, has become more prevalent due to the anonymity afforded by social media platforms. Victims of online harassment can experience significant emotional distress and even long-term psychological trauma. Studies have linked cyberbullying to an increased risk of depression and, in extreme cases, suicidal thoughts in adolescents. (Hoge et al. 2017).
Positive impacts
Over the past time, the usage of mobile phones has increased recently which has contributed to the growth in media consumption among adolescents. Social media and telephones are becoming a part of our daily life, and teenagers are utilizing the internet at earlier ages. Today, using media can benefit children and young people by promoting engagement and fostering communication skills. Studies have demonstrated that conversations between parents and teenagers regarding health can positively influence adolescent’s behaviors like choosing abstinence or having sexual partners and promoting the use of contraceptives along with educating partners, about sexual transmitted diseases (STDs). (Chassiakos et al. 2016a & 2016b.)
Social sites help to support the mental health of teenagers. Children often state that one of the main benefits of social media is the interaction with friends and family, and it foster a sense of belonging that improves health and wellbeing of people. Youth can use the opportunities for treating mental health issues due to instant accessibility and exciting offers from media. Recently, a lot of mobile apps have been created for young people, and they are acceptable, more study is required to determine their efficacy and effectiveness. (Guinta & John 2018.)
Social media gives the chance for young people to reconnect with their friends, classmates, and companions. According to the research done by Pew Research Center in 2009, about 73 % of teenagers use the social sites to get information about the current events, 31% used to seek the information related to health and 17 % used for sensitive health related subjects like drug use, sexual health which they find challenging to discuss with others. Especially for teenagers, social networking sites can help to find social support that might lack in conventional relationship. In critical developmental stage, children can use these sites for getting knowledge and suggestion on their matters. Using social media has merits but it should be used in limited amounts so that no one gets addicted to it. (Plaisime et al 2020.)
Providing safer online surrounding
In conclusion, the thesis conducted by Baral & Paudel Chettri (2024) states that through various databases, it demonstrates how social media may affect teenagers in both good and bad ways. It is crucial to maintain law and order by government, non-governmental organizations, and companies that provide the platform for social networks to maintain safer online surroundings for children. By encouraging a culture of digital responsibility, understanding, and support, we can empower young people to confidently navigate the internet world, maximizing the benefits while reducing the threats.
Asmita Paudel-Chettri is a final-year nursing student at LAB University of Applied Sciences.
Amita Baral is a final-year nursing student at LAB University of Applied Sciences.
Jenni Hämäläinen is a Senior Paramedic Lecturer at LAB University of Applied Sciences.
Baral, A. & Paudel Chhetri, A. 2024. Impacts of social media on children. Thesis. LAB University of Applied Science. Cited 19 Dec 2024. Available at
Berryman, C., Ferguson, CJ. & Negy, C. 2018. Social media use and mental health among young adults. Psychiatric Quartely 2018. Vol. 89, 307–314. Cited 19 Dec 2024. Available at DOI 10.1007/s11126-017-9535-6.
Chassiakos, R. Y., Radesky, J., Christakis, D., Moreno, A., M., Cross, C., Hill, D., Ameenuddin, N., Hutchinson, J., Levine, A., Boyd, R., Mendelson, R. & Swanson, S. W. 2016a. Children and adolescents and digital Media; Council on Communications and Media. American Academy of Pediatrics, Vol. 138 (5), 2─13. Cited 19 Dec 2024. Available at DOI 10.1542/peds.2016-2593
Chassiakos, R. Y., Radesky, J., Christakis, D., Moreno, A. M., Cross, C., Hill, D., Ameenuddin, N., Hutchinson, J., Levine, A., Boyd, R., Mendelson, R. & Swanson, S. W. 2016b. Media Use in School- Aged Children and Adolescents; Council on Communications and Media. American Academy of Pediatrics, Vol. 138 (5), 2─4. Cited 19 Dec 2024. Available at DOI 10.1542/peds.2016-2592
Guinta, R. M. & John, M. R. 2018. Social media and adolescent health. Pediatric nursing. Vol. 44 (4),196─201. Cited 19 Dec 2024. Available at
Hoge E., Bickham D., Cantor ,J. Digital media, anxiety, and depression in children. Pediatrics 2017 Vol.140(2), 76–80. Cited 19 Dec 2024. Available on DOI: 10.1542/peds.2016-1758G
Plaisime, M., James-Robertson, C., Mejia, L., Nunez, A., Wolf, J. & Reels, S. 2020. Social Media and Teens: A Needs Assessment Exploring the Potential Role of Social Media in Promoting Health. Cited 19 Dec 2024. Available at