The Interreg Europe programme strengthens regional development by enhancing respective regional policies through interregional collaboration and information sharing between European regions (Interreg Europe 2023a). Peer reviews are one of the services offered to public authorities by the Policy Learning Platform of Interreg Europe. Peer reviews are two days of organized, assisted meetings when local beneficiaries, experts, and selected peers discuss a particular policy topic and share information and ideas. As a consequence, the policy authority and its stakeholders receive specific guidance, inspiring examples, and customized recommendations. (Interreg Europe 2023b.)
Peer Review on Circular Bioeconomy
On October 25–26, 2023, a peer review on the subject of the circular economy was held in s’Hertogenbosch, in the Province of Noord-Brabant, the Netherlands. The two main policy issues that the province pointed out to reach the transition to circular bioeconomy were 1) How to design the transition to a bioeconomy in the region and 2) How to incentivize the use of bio-based products.

Experience from LAB, Lahti & Päijät-Häme region
LAB’s Katerina Medkova was also one of the peers; she provided the knowledge and specific examples from LAB and Päijät-Häme, along with good practices (examples) from the past Interreg Europe cooperation projects (BIOREGIO, CECI). Currently, she leads CITISYSTEM – Supporting cities in sustainable biobased systemic change -project, which focuses on developing circular bioeconomy in cities, being in line with the subject of the peer review (Interreg Europe 2023c). As a result, the peer review served as a mutual learning environment for exchanging knowledge, finding fresh perspectives, and getting inspired by the initiatives being undertaken in other countries.
The following four concrete examples were presented at the peer review: 1) Päijät-Häme Circular Economy Roadmap, 2) Päijät-Häme Grain Cluster, and the next two examples from LAB, 3) Sustainable Materials Laboratory (SuMa), and 4) Food Pilot Plant. The first three examples were published on the Policy Learning Platform of Interreg Europe after being recognized as good practices of the BIOREGIO project. The platform offers a free database of more than 3000 tried and tested good practices and solutions on a range of subjects further supporting policy learning. Before being included in the database, the identified examples are examined by thematic experts. (Interreg Europe 2023d.)

Visiting Dutch Design Week
Following the conclusion of the first day’s schedule, the participants visited the annual Dutch Design Week, which is held in October in Eindhoven. The group explored the Embassy of Circular & Biobased Building, an exhibition that used storytelling to bring together the building and agricultural industries to create a sustainable living environment. For instance, the biobased agri-construction chain was demonstrated. Materials, such as hemp, flax, and straw were displayed as the whole plant, from flowers, stems, and seeds to the roots. Simultaneously, the interactive displays presented potential uses, such as building materials, insulation wool, or façade and interior panels. (DDW 2023.)

Katerina Medkova works as an RDI Specialist at LAB University of Applied Sciences and is CITISYSTEM Project Manager.
Link to the website of CITISYSTEM – Supporting cities in sustainable biobased systemic change.
DDW. 2023. Embassy of Circular & Biobased Building. Cited 16 Nov 2023. Available at
Interreg Europe. 2023a. What is Interreg Europe? Cited 16 Nov 2023. Available at
Interreg Europe. 2023b. Peer review. Cited 16 Nov 2023. Available at
Interreg Europe. 2023c. CITISYSTEM – Supporting cities in sustainable biobased systemic change. Cited 16 Nov 2023. Available at
Interreg Europe. 2023d. Find policy solutions. Good practices. Cited 16 Nov 2023. Available at
Link 1. Interreg Europe. 2023c. Project Summary. CITISYSTEM. Cited 16 Nov 2023. Available at