Skinnarila Entrepreneurship Hallway extends an invitation to all students

To celebrate the new LAB studio and marketing co-operatives facilities becoming operational, LABeko2 ‒ network, develop, internationalise, succeed (LAB 2024) cordially welcomed all students, to come and explore all things entrepreneurial available at Skinnarila campus on the Sep 25 at the Entrepreneurship Hallway.

[Alt text: people gathered around in the hall to discuss and meet each other, you can also see posters, computers etc.]
Image 1. The Grand Opening Entrepreneurship Experience & Business Mill Stands. (Image: Karl Osborne)

The new facilities bring the campus entrepreneurial support functions closer together. This will also include LAB entrepreneurship students, who are also set to share the same facility space later (Business Mill 2024).

The grand opening presented all students of an entrepreneurial mindset and interest to a unique opportunity. The new facilities were opened for a comprehensive tour, while getting to know all the entrepreneurial support functions and their roles that are housed within the Hallway.

The benefits of the grand opening for students

The grand opening saw all support functions of the entrepreneurial ecosystem available on campus, assemble here on this day, making this a great opportunity for students to get a complete picture of all services available.

Students for example, may be familiar with LUTES for instance, but may know significantly less about what Business Mill has to offer, or LAB Studio. This event facilitated every support system to reach the students with all the information they could need, giving the student a clear picture of what services they can utilise and how they can be found.

While the entrepreneurship support systems actively co-operate together, often the students may feel the information they receive on these supports is segmented. The grand opening and the new facilities help all these systems to work much closer together, on delivering information in a much more centralised way. This also helps to emphasise to students that all the services needed can be found in one Entrepreneurship Hallway, making the discovery process much more simplified for clients to the ecosystem.


Karl Osborne is a part-time project worker in the LABeko2 Project at LAB University of Applied Sciences.


Business Mill. 2024. Welcome to the Grand opening event of the Skinnarila Campus Entrepreneurship Hallway! Cited 19 Sep 2024. Available at

LAB. 2024. LABeko2 – network, develop, internationalise, succeed. Project plan. LAB University of Applied Sciences. Cited 19 Sep 2024. Available at