Will entrepreneurship empower the opportunity to stay in Finland?
Thirty years ago the term “entrepreneurship” barely existed in the former Russia and it was related to the western world. Today the word has a much wider context and it fits well in the world of young Russians.

“My father is a sailor and a man who works with logistics. He is an entrepreneur. I can sail and I’m studying logistics and I want to become an entrepreneur.” Pavel Bryuzga is a 20-year old first year student at LAB University of Applied Sciences and full of determination. His home city is St. Petersburg. When considering the place of carrying out studies the criteria was: not too far from home, profound possibilities to study logistics and reasonable studying costs. His choice was clear: Lappeenranta.
On the way to become an entrepreneur
Pavel’s attitude towards entrepreneurship is enthusiastic and passionate. Part of his studies is a course “Entrepreneurship Experience” where students plan new businesses. Pavel has actively participated in that course, and he has a clear idea of what kind of business he wants to run. He has held discussions with his Finnish study mates about who would be the best partner(s) in his business but he has not yet made his decision.

Moreover, he wants to stay in Finland and run his business here. Learning the Finnish language is high on his to do -list. Without proper knowledge in Finnish it would be difficult to run the business although the partner was a Finn. Business plan is under writing now and contacts in third countries are under investigation.
Students seldom end up becoming entrepreneurs
Wide range of projects and RDI-activities are part of LAB outcomes. An ESF (European Social Fund) granted project International workplaces and experts in South Karelia and Kymenlaakso was launched last year. The aim of the project is to find jobs for international talents who have studied in the local universities or vocational schools and to avoid them leaving the area. To become an entrepreneur is an equally good option; the person will stay in Finland and hopefully after some time employ other persons.
According to statistics only 2,9 per cent graduated students from Lahti and Lappeenranta Universities of Applied Sciences have ended becoming entrepreneurs in 2018 (Vipunen 2021). Surveys among students’ intentions of becoming entrepreneurs have been made. According to the last survey 33 per cent of students stated about their intention of becoming an entrepreneur. (Lauronen 2019). The last data in Vipunen covers the year 2018. Hopefully information will be soon available to discover whether the percentage has risen as indicated in the survey 2019.
Fearless, analytic mind and ready to work hard. Terms that are required when you want to become an entrepreneur refer also to Pavel. It is for us to wait and see when his business pops up.
Tarja Vahtokari-Sahari is a RDI-specialist at LAB University of Applied Sciences in Faculty of Health Care and Social Services and she works in the project International workplaces and experts in South Karelia and Kymenlaakso.

Lauronen, T. 2019. Opiskelijasta yrittäjäksi 2019. Korkeakouluopiskelijoiden yrittäjyys ja yrittäjyyshalukkuus. Opiskelun ja koulutuksen tutkimussäätiö Otus. Julkaisija Suomen Yrittäjät. [Cited on 15.04.2021.] Available: https://www.yrittajat.fi/sites/default/files/opiskelijasta_yrittajaksi_2019.pdf
Vipunen 2021. Ammattikorkeakoulussa tutkinnon suorittaneiden sijoittuminen 2019. 2021. Opetushallinnon tilastopalvelu Vipunen. [Cited on 15.04.2021.] Available: https://vipunen.fi/fi-fi/amk/Sivut/Tutkinnon-suorittaneiden-sijoittuminen.aspx
LAB. 2021. Kansainväliset työyhteisöt ja osaajat Etelä-Karjalassa ja Kymenlaaksossa. (International workplaces and experts in South Karelia and Kymenlaakso). [Cited on 15.04.2021.] Available: https://www.lab.fi/fi/projekti/KOKKA