Cultural tourism immerses travelers in a destination’s culture, history, and traditions. A critical aspect of this sector is the variety of cultural events, such as festivals, exhibitions, and concerts, which are pivotal in attracting tourists and enhancing their cultural experiences.
Cultural events promote and preserve heritage, showcasing local traditions, arts, and history. The Savonlinna Opera Festival in Finland exemplifies this by blending opera with a historical setting, drawing thousands of visitors annually (Heinonen 2019). Also, digital technology transforms cultural tourism through virtual and augmented reality by providing e.g., high-definition live concert experiences or enhancing event visibility and reach.
Sustainability in cultural tourism involves eco-friendly travel, waste minimization, and supporting local businesses. “Slow tourism,” which encourages extended stays to experience local culture fully, is gaining popularity (Visit Finland 2019). Community involvement ensures events reflect local culture and distribute benefits equitably. The Pori Jazz Festival exemplifies a community-driven event promoting cultural exchange (Culture Creator 2018).

Benefits and challenges
Cultural events contribute substantially to the local economy by increasing demand for services like hotels, restaurants, and transportation, creating jobs, and promoting local businesses. For instance, the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, one of the largest arts festivals, contributes over £200 million annually to the local economy (Culture Finland 2019). Additionally, cultural events foster social cohesion and community pride, as seen in the Jyvaskyla Festival in Finland, which showcases local and international performing arts (Heinonen 2019).
Organizing cultural events involves challenges, including securing funding and ensuring sustainability. Events often rely on unpredictable public and private sponsorships. Managing environmental impact and preserving cultural integrity while attracting tourists is also critical (Frisk & Tulkki 2005)
LAB University of Applied Sciences and the EKTAK project
LAB University of Applied Sciences’ EKTAK (Etelä-Karjalan Tapahtumaklusteri) project tackles these challenges and opportunities by developing a comprehensive event cluster in South Karelia. EKTAK focuses on stakeholder collaboration, digital tool usage, and sustainability practices to enhance local event quality and appeal (LAB University of Applied Sciences 2024). By building local capacity through training and resources, EKTAK ensures professional event management and aligns with global cultural tourism trends, making South Karelia’s events competitive and attractive internationally.
Johanna Heinonen works at LAB University of Applied Sciences as a senior lecturer and RDI specialist. In particular, the diverse development of tourism, digital communication, and customer experience are close to her heart. In the EKTAK project, she works as an RDI specialist and is responsible for the cooperation of educational institutions.

Culture Creators. 2018. Luova matka – Culture Creators go Tourism. 25.10.2018. Cited 13 Jun 2024. Available at–culture-creators-go-turism/
Culture Finland. 2019. Culture Finland – Kulttuurimatkailun katto-ohjelma. Cited 13 Jun 2024. Available at
Frisk, O. & Tulkki, H. 2005. Kulttuuriavain. Helsinki: Otava.
Heinonen, J. 2019. Kulttuuria, matkailua – vai kulttuurimatkailua? UAS Journal 4/2019. Cited 13 Jun 2024. Available at
LAB University of Applied Sciences. 2024. Etelä-Karjalan tapahtumaklusteri. Project. Cited 13 Jun 2024. Available at
Saarelainen, P. 2019. Olavinlinnan silta. The bridge from the castle. Savonlinna Opera Festival. Cited 13 Jun 2024. Available at,+The+bridge+from+the+castle+.jpg
Visit Finland. 2019. Vastuullisen matkailun puolesta. 16.7.2017. Cited 13 Jun 2024. Available at