The project’s idea came from Barbara Ebersberger-Fischerlehner, the English teacher of BFI, Vienna UAS who contacted LAB´s Language Centre by email and asked if any of the teachers would be interested. After an online meeting with Barbara, we decided to integrate the communication project in the English for work course for Business Administration students, making it a compulsory assignment. The communication project consisted in arranging one self-organized online meeting in mixed groups of students to discuss the given topics. The topics included talking about their studies, their countries, Christmas traditions, future plans. After the project the students had to submit minutes of the meeting, as well as their written report with personal reflections on the project.

Students’ collaboration was organized in Howspace platform, as it provided the possibility to add both Finnish and Austrian students as users to the platform without sending their personal information by email, and the platform allowed the students joining it without the need to create a profile.
The students were divided into mixed groups of 5‒7 participants. In Howspace, each group had a chat for communication and a video widget for organizing an online meeting. The project took about three weeks, of which the third week was allocated for paperwork.
In their reports, many students mentioned that they had been extremely anxious about participating in this project: meeting Austrian students online and talking to strangers in English for an hour seemed extremely demanding and challenging. However, all students noticed that conversations went surprisingly well, there were no language communication barriers, and everybody in the group was very supportive and helpful.
Besides learning many useful facts about studying and living in Austria and sharing facts about study culture in Finland, students practiced their communication skills in an international meeting. Almost all reports contained a phrase about gaining more confidence as an English speaker, and some students even mentioned considering exchange studies in Austria.
Overall, the communication project proved to be a very simple and easily arrangeable way of creating an opportunity for students to improve their communication skills in English in an authentic environment and to get the experience of functioning in an international group.
Both Finnish and Austrian students were very satisfied with their personal outcomes of the project and wished for more activities of such type in their further studies.
Olesia Kullberg is senior lecturer at Language Centre of LAB University of Applied Sciences.
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