Advanced motorcycle design workshop. Modelling tips and tricks with Rhinoceros 3D modelling software.
Our lecturer was vehicle designer Heikki Naulapää, who has been working with motorcycle design for years last with BMW motorcycles.
We have had learned basic skills of modelling with Rhinoceros last spring. Earlier we have been modelling small parts based on sketches, but now Heikki set the target higher. First we draw sketches from scratch or to be based on some motorcycle model what we liked to use as a reference for our own design.
Next step was setup for Rhinoceros, scaling sketch to correct size etc. And of course some Heikki’s secret tips and tricks that made modelling to be much faster and smoother.
After doing the 3D modelling we finalized concepts by using rendering software
for adding lighting enviroment and photorealistic materials.
-Vehicle Design (AMU11) students